
Series Introduction

Series Introduction

So you just purchased a theme and framework package, or we just completed a complete website setup for you and you are wondering whats next? Well, here you go!

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Trust us, it is worth it.


Lesson Summary

Once you have purchased your IDX Themes Framework and Child Theme or we finished your complete IDX Real Estate Website, you will want to watch this series. In this series we will walk you through the installation of the IDX Themes Framework and Child theme and then cover the various components that the system offers. We will be covering

  • Framework and Child Theme Installation
  • Framework License Key Installation
  • Third Party Library Registrations and Integration
  • Customizing your WordPress Theme via the WordPress Customizer
  • Available Widgets and Shortcodes
  • Custom post types available such as Testimonials and Team Members

If you have any questions regarding any of the content covered in these videos, please be sure to start a conversation in the IDX Website Forum